How to conduct a jewellery photoshoot

How to conduct a jewellery photoshoot

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Campus 1 : JD School of Design, No. 18-1, Brigade Road, Bengaluru,Karnataka – 560 001.

Campus 2 : No. 40, Swan House, 4th Cross, Residency Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560001.


Musthtifund Saunstha , Near Mahalaxmi Temple,Dada Vaidya Road, Goa-403001

So, you’re thinking about doing a jewelry photo shoot? That’s awesome! If you’re all about fashion and styling, then you’re in for a treat. Here’s a cool guide to help you set up a killer jewellery photo shoot:

  1. Figure Out Your Goals: First things first, what’s the purpose of the shoot? Are you showing off a new collection, highlighting specific pieces, or going for a certain vibe? Knowing your goals will steer everything else you do.
  2. Build Your Team: You’ll need a solid crew—photographer, stylist, makeup artist, and models. Team up with folks who get your vision and can make the jewellery pop.

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  1. Nail the Theme: Since you’re into styling, get creative! Pick a theme that goes well with the jewellery—whether it’s vintage, modern, or inspired by something specific. This sets the vibe for the whole shoot.
  2. Scout for the Perfect Spot: Decide where you want to shoot. Whether it’s a studio, outdoors, or some cool location, make sure it fits your theme. A great backdrop makes your jewellery look even better.

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  1. Plan Your Shots: Work with your photographer to plan out the shots. Think about close-ups, details, and overall compositions. This way, you’ll have a diverse and captivating set of images.
  2. Style it Up: Since you’re into fashion, pay attention to the clothes and styling. Make sure the outfits compliment the jewellery without stealing the spotlight. Coordinate colors, textures, and overall looks.
  3. Lighting is Everything: Good lighting is key for jewellery photos. Natural light is great, but if you’re indoors, invest in quality studio lighting to bring out the details in each piece.

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  1. Props and Extras: Think about using props that fit your theme and show off the jewellery in real-life situations. It adds depth and makes your images relatable.
  2. Get Ready Before the Shoot: Make a detailed schedule for the shoot day. Plan out time for hair and makeup, outfit changes, and breaks. Being organized means a smooth and stress-free process.

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  1. Think About Post-Production: Talk to your photographer about what happens after the shoot. This includes editing, color correction, and any other tweaks to make your jewellery look amazing.
  2. Spread the Word on Social Media: Since you’re into social media, use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to show off your stunning jewellery pics. Get your audience engaged and excited about your collection.

How to conduct a jewellery photoshoot JDSD


Contacting the JD Institute of Design can be a valuable way to gain further knowledge and expertise in the intersection of Jewellery and photography. JD Institute of Design is a renowned institution known for offering comprehensive courses and programs in various design disciplines, including Jewellery design and photography.

By reaching out to JD Institute of Design, individuals interested in learning more about Jewellery and photography can explore many opportunities in the related field.